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## Overview
The Collapsible component enables you to create expandable and collapsible content sections. It provides an efficient way to manage space and organize information in user interfaces, enabling users to show or hide content as needed.
## Key Features
- **Accessibility**: ARIA attributes for screen reader compatibility and keyboard navigation.
- **Transition Support**: CSS variables and data attributes for smooth transitions between states.
- **Flexible State Management**: Supports controlled and uncontrolled state, take control if needed.
- **Compound Component Structure**: Provides a set of sub-components that work together to create a fully-featured collapsible. ## Architecture
The Collapsible component is composed of a few sub-components, each with a specific role:
- **Root**: The parent container that manages the state and context for the collapsible functionality.
- **Trigger**: The interactive element (e.g., button) that toggles the expanded/collapsed state of the content.
- **Content**: The container for the content that will be shown or hidden based on the collapsible state. ## Structure
Here's an overview of how the Collapsible component is structured in code: