# Calendar Documentation
Displays dates and days of the week, facilitating date-related interactions.
This is a documentation section that potentially contains examples, demos, and other useful information related to a specific part of Bits UI. When helping users with this documentation, you can ignore the classnames applied to the demos unless they are relevant to the user's issue.
{#snippet children({ months, weekdays })}
{#each months as month, i (i)}
{#each weekdays as day}
{day.slice(0, 2)}
{#each month.weeks as weekDates}
{#each weekDates as date}
##### Heads up!
Before diving into this component, it's important to understand how dates/times work in Bits UI. Please read the [Dates](/docs/dates) documentation to learn more!
## Structure
{#snippet children({ months, weekdays })}
{#each months as month}
{#each weekdays as day}
{#each month.weeks as weekDates}
{#each weekDates as date}
## Placeholder
The `placeholder` prop for the `Calendar.Root` component determines what date our calendar should start with when the user hasn't selected a date yet. It also determines the current "view" of the calendar.
As the user navigates through the calendar, the `placeholder` will be updated to reflect the currently focused date in that view.
By default, the `placeholder` will be set to the current date, and be of type `CalendarDate`.
## Managing Placeholder State
This section covers how to manage the `placeholder` state of the Calendar.
### Two-Way Binding
Use `bind:placeholder` for simple, automatic state synchronization:
### Fully Controlled
Use a [Function Binding](https://svelte.dev/docs/svelte/bind#Function-bindings) for complete control over the state's reads and writes.
See the [State Management](/docs/state-management) documentation for more information.
## Managing Value State
This section covers how to manage the `value` state of the Calendar.
### Two-Way Binding
Use `bind:value` for simple, automatic state synchronization:
### Fully Controlled
Use a [Function Binding](https://svelte.dev/docs/svelte/bind#Function-bindings) for complete control over the state's reads and writes.
See the [State Management](/docs/state-management) documentation for more information.
## Default Value
Often, you'll want to start the `Calendar.Root` component with a default value. Likely this value will come from a database in the format of an ISO 8601 string.
You can use the `parseDate` function from the `@internationalized/date` package to parse the string into a `CalendarDate` object.
## Validation
### Minimum Value
You can set a minimum value for the calendar by using the `minValue` prop on `Calendar.Root`. If a user selects a date that is less than the minimum value, the calendar will be marked as invalid.
### Maximum Value
You can set a maximum value for the calendar by using the `maxValue` prop on `Calendar.Root`. If a user selects a date that is greater than the maximum value, the calendar will be marked as invalid.
### Unavailable Dates
You can specify specific dates that are unavailable for selection by using the `isDateUnavailable` prop. This prop accepts a function that returns a boolean value indicating whether a date is unavailable or not.
### Disabled Dates
You can specify specific dates that are disabled for selection by using the `isDateDisabled` prop.
## Appearance & Behavior
### Fixed Weeks
You can use the `fixedWeeks` prop to ensure that the calendar renders a fixed number of weeks, regardless of the number of days in the month. This is useful to keep the calendar visually consistent when the number of days in the month changes.
### Multiple Months
You can use the `numberOfMonths` prop to render multiple months at once.
### Paged Navigation
By default, when the calendar has more than one month, the previous and next buttons will shift the calendar forward or backward by one month. However, you can change this behavior by setting the `pagedNavigation` prop to `true`, which will shift the calendar forward or backward by the number of months being displayed.
### Localization
The calendar will automatically format the content of the calendar according to the `locale` prop, which defaults to `'en-US'`, but can be changed to any locale supported by the [`Intl.DateTimeFormat`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) API.
### Week Starts On
The calendar will automatically format the content of the calendar according to the `weekStartsOn` prop, which defaults to `0`, but can be changed to any day of the week, where `0` is Sunday and `6` is Saturday.
### Multiple Selection
You can set the `type` prop to `'multiple'` to allow users to select multiple dates at once.
## Custom Composition
### Month Selector
The `Calendar` component includes a `PrevButton` and `NextButton` component to allow users to navigate between months. This is useful, but sometimes you may want to allow the user to select a specific month from a list of months, rather than having to navigate one at a time.
To achieve this, you can use the `placeholder` prop to set the month of the the calendar view programmatically.
Updating the `placeholder` will update the calendar view to reflect the new month.
## Examples
### Month and Year Selects
This example demonstrates how to use the `placeholder` prop to set the month and year of the calendar view programmatically.
{#snippet children({ months, weekdays })}
{#each months as month, i (i)}
{#each weekdays as day}
{day.slice(0, 2)}
{#each month.weeks as weekDates}
{#each weekDates as date}
### Preset Dates
This example demonstrates how to programatically set the `value` of the calendar to a specific date when a user presses a button.
{#snippet children({ months, weekdays })}
{#each months as month, i (i)}
{#each weekdays as day}
{day.slice(0, 2)}
{#each month.weeks as weekDates}
{#each weekDates as date}
{#each presets as preset}
Set date to
## API Reference
### Calendar.Root
The root calendar component which contains all other calendar components.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `type` required | `enum`- 'single' \| 'multiple' | Whether or not multiple dates can be selected.`Default: undefined` |
| `value` $bindable | `union`- DateValue \| DateValue\[] | The selected date(s). If `type` is `'single'`, this will be a `DateValue`. If `type` is `'multiple'`, this will be an array of `DateValue`s.`Default: undefined` |
| `onValueChange` | `function`- (value: DateValue) => void \| (value: DateValue\[]) => void | A function that is called when the selected date changes.`Default: undefined` |
| `placeholder` | `DateValue`- import type { CalendarDate, CalendarDateTime, ZonedDateTime } from "@internationalized/date"; type DateValue = CalendarDate \| CalendarDateTime \| ZonedDateTime | The placeholder date, which is used to determine what month to display when no date is selected. This updates as the user navigates the calendar, and can be used to programmatically control the calendar's view.`Default: undefined` |
| `onPlaceholderChange` | `function`- (date: DateValue) => void | A function that is called when the placeholder date changes.`Default: undefined` |
| `pagedNavigation` | `boolean` | Whether or not to use paged navigation for the calendar. Paged navigation causes the previous and next buttons to navigate by the number of months displayed at once, rather than by one month.`Default: false` |
| `preventDeselect` | `boolean` | Whether or not to prevent the user from deselecting a date without selecting another date first.`Default: false` |
| `weekStartsOn` | `number` | The day of the week to start the calendar on. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.`Default: 0` |
| `weekdayFormat` | `enum`- 'narrow' \| 'short' \| 'long' | The format to use for the weekday strings provided via the `weekdays` slot prop.`Default: 'narrow'` |
| `calendarLabel` | `string` | The accessible label for the calendar.`Default: undefined` |
| `fixedWeeks` | `boolean` | Whether or not to always display 6 weeks in the calendar.`Default: false` |
| `isDateDisabled` | `function`- (date: DateValue) => boolean | A function that returns whether or not a date is disabled.`Default: undefined` |
| `isDateUnavailable` | `function`- (date: DateValue) => boolean | A function that returns whether or not a date is unavailable.`Default: undefined` |
| `maxValue` | `DateValue`- import type { CalendarDate, CalendarDateTime, ZonedDateTime } from "@internationalized/date"; type DateValue = CalendarDate \| CalendarDateTime \| ZonedDateTime | The maximum date that can be selected.`Default: undefined` |
| `minValue` | `DateValue`- import type { CalendarDate, CalendarDateTime, ZonedDateTime } from "@internationalized/date"; type DateValue = CalendarDate \| CalendarDateTime \| ZonedDateTime | The minimum date that can be selected.`Default: undefined` |
| `locale` | `string` | The locale to use for formatting dates.`Default: 'en'` |
| `numberOfMonths` | `number` | The number of months to display at once.`Default: 1` |
| `disabled` | `boolean` | Whether or not the accordion is disabled.`Default: false` |
| `readonly` | `boolean` | Whether or not the calendar is readonly.`Default: false` |
| `initialFocus` | `boolean` | If `true`, the calendar will focus the selected day, today, or the first day of the month in that order depending on what is visible when the calendar is mounted.`Default: false` |
| `disableDaysOutsideMonth` | `boolean` | Whether or not to disable days outside the current month.`Default: false` |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLDivElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-invalid` | `''` | Present on the root element when the calendar is invalid. |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the root element when the calendar is disabled. |
| `data-readonly` | `''` | Present on the root element when the calendar is readonly. |
| `data-calendar-root` | `''` | Present on the root element. |
### Calendar.Header
The header of the calendar.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the header element when the calendar is disabled. |
| `data-readonly` | `''` | Present on the header element when the calendar is readonly. |
| `data-calendar-header` | `''` | Present on the header element. |
### Calendar.Heading
The heading of the calendar.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLDivElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the heading element when the calendar is disabled. |
| `data-readonly` | `''` | Present on the heading element when the calendar is readonly. |
| `data-calendar-heading` | `''` | Present on the heading element. |
### Calendar.NextButton
The next button of the calendar.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLButtonElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the next button element when the calendar or this button is disabled. |
| `data-calendar-next-button` | `''` | Present on the next button element. |
### Calendar.PrevButton
The previous button of the calendar.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLButtonElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the prev button element when the calendar or this button is disabled. |
| `data-calendar-prev-button` | `''` | Present on the prev button element. |
### Calendar.Cell
A cell in the calendar grid.
| Property | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `date` | `DateValue`- import type { CalendarDate, CalendarDateTime, ZonedDateTime } from "@internationalized/date"; type DateValue = CalendarDate \| CalendarDateTime \| ZonedDateTime | The date for the cell.`Default: undefined` |
| `month` | `DateValue`- import type { CalendarDate, CalendarDateTime, ZonedDateTime } from "@internationalized/date"; type DateValue = CalendarDate \| CalendarDateTime \| ZonedDateTime | The current month the date is being displayed in.`Default: undefined` |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLTableCellElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present when the day is disabled. |
| `data-unavailable` | `''` | Present when the day is unavailable. |
| `data-today` | `''` | Present when the day is today. |
| `data-outside-month` | `''` | Present when the day is outside the current month. |
| `data-outside-visible-months` | `''` | Present when the day is outside the visible months. |
| `data-focused` | `''` | Present when the day is focused. |
| `data-selected` | `''` | Present when the day is selected. |
| `data-value` | `''` | The date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". |
| `data-calendar-cell` | `''` | Present on the cell element. |
### Calendar.Day
A day in the calendar grid.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLDivElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present when the day is disabled. |
| `data-unavailable` | `''` | Present when the day is unavailable. |
| `data-today` | `''` | Present when the day is today. |
| `data-outside-month` | `''` | Present when the day is outside the current month. |
| `data-outside-visible-months` | `''` | Present when the day is outside the visible months. |
| `data-focused` | `''` | Present when the day is focused. |
| `data-selected` | `''` | Present when the day is selected. |
| `data-value` | `''` | The date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". |
| `data-calendar-day` | `''` | Present on the day element. |
### Calendar.Grid
The grid of dates in the calendar, typically representing a month.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLTableElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the grid element when the calendar is disabled. |
| `data-readonly` | `''` | Present on the grid element when the calendar is readonly. |
| `data-calendar-grid` | `''` | Present on the grid element. |
### Calendar.GridBody
The body of the grid of dates in the calendar.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLTableSectionElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the grid element when the calendar is disabled. |
| `data-readonly` | `''` | Present on the grid element when the calendar is readonly. |
| `data-calendar-grid-body` | `''` | Present on the grid body element. |
### Calendar.GridHead
The head of the grid of dates in the calendar.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLTableSectionElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the grid head element when the calendar is disabled. |
| `data-readonly` | `''` | Present on the grid head element when the calendar is readonly. |
| `data-calendar-grid-head` | `''` | Present on the grid head element. |
### Calendar.GridRow
A row in the grid of dates in the calendar.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLTableRowElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the grid row element when the calendar is disabled. |
| `data-readonly` | `''` | Present on the grid row element when the calendar is readonly. |
| `data-calendar-grid-row` | `''` | Present on the grid row element. |
### Calendar.HeadCell
A cell in the head of the grid of dates in the calendar.
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ref` $bindable | `HTMLTableCellElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` |
| `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` |
| `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data-disabled` | `''` | Present on the head cell element when the calendar is disabled. |
| `data-readonly` | `''` | Present on the head cell element when the calendar is readonly. |
| `data-calendar-head-cell` | `''` | Present on the head cell element. |