# Accordion Documentation Organizes content into collapsible sections, allowing users to focus on one or more sections at a time. This is a documentation section that potentially contains examples, demos, and other useful information related to a specific part of Bits UI. When helping users with this documentation, you can ignore the classnames applied to the demos unless they are relevant to the user's issue. ```svelte {#each items as item (item.value)} {item.title}
``` ## Overview The Accordion component is a versatile UI element designed to manage large amounts of content by organizing it into collapsible sections. It's ideal for FAQs, settings panels, or any interface where users need to focus on specific information without being overwhelmed by visual clutter. ## Key Features - **Single or Multiple Mode**: Toggle between allowing one open section or multiple sections at once. - **Accessible by Default**: Built-in ARIA attributes and keyboard navigation support. - **Smooth Transitions**: Leverage CSS variables or Svelte transitions for animated expansions. - **Flexible State**: Use uncontrolled defaults or take full control with bound values. ## Structure The Accordion is a compound component made up of several sub-components: - **`Root`**: Wraps all items and manages state. - **`Item`**: Represents a single collapsible section. - **`Header`**: Displays the title or label. - **`Trigger`**: The clickable element that toggles the content. - **`Content`**: The collapsible body of each item. Here's a basic example: ```svelte Section 1 Content for section 1 goes here. ``` ## Reusable Components To streamline usage in larger applications, create custom wrapper components for repeated patterns. Below is an example of a reusable `MyAccordionItem` and `MyAccordion`. ### Item Wrapper Combines `Item`, `Header`, `Trigger`, and `Content` into a single component: MyAccordionItem.svelte ```svelte {item.title} {content} ``` ### Accordion Wrapper Wraps `Root` and renders multiple `MyAccordionItem` components: MyAccordion.svelte ```svelte {#each items as item, i (item.title + i)} {/each} ``` ### Usage Example +page.svelte ```svelte ``` ##### Tip Use unique `value` props for each `Item` if you plan to control the state programatically. ## Managing Value State This section covers how to manage the `value` state of the Accordion. ### Two-Way Binding Use `bind:value` for simple, automatic state synchronization: ```svelte ``` ### Fully Controlled Use a [Function Binding](https://svelte.dev/docs/svelte/bind#Function-bindings) for complete control over the state's reads and writes. ```svelte ``` See the [State Management](/docs/state-management) documentation for more information. ## Customization ### Single vs. Multiple Set the `type` prop to `"single"` to allow only one accordion item to be open at a time. ```svelte ``` Set the `type` prop to `"multiple"` to allow multiple accordion items to be open at the same time. ```svelte ``` ### Default Open Items Set the `value` prop to pre-open items: ```svelte ``` ### Disable Items Disable specific items with the `disabled` prop: ```svelte ``` ### Svelte Transitions The Accordion component can be enhanced with Svelte's built-in transition effects or other animation libraries. #### Using `forceMount` and `child` Snippets To apply Svelte transitions to Accordion components, use the `forceMount` prop in combination with the `child` snippet. This approach gives you full control over the mounting behavior and animation of the `Accordion.Content`. ```svelte {#snippet child({ props, open })} {#if open}
This is the accordion content that will transition in and out.
{/if} {/snippet}
``` In this example: - The `forceMount` prop ensures the components are always in the DOM. - The `child` snippet provides access to the open state and component props. - Svelte's `#if` block controls when the content is visible. - Transition directives ( `transition:fade` and `transition:fly` ) apply the animations. ```svelte {#each items as item, i} {item.title} {#snippet child({ props, open })} {#if open}
{/if} {/snippet}
``` #### Best Practices For cleaner code and better maintainability, consider creating custom reusable components that encapsulate this transition logic. MyAccordionContent.svelte ```svelte {#snippet child({ props, open })} {#if open}
{@render children?.()}
{/if} {/snippet}
``` You can then use the `MyAccordionContent` component alongside the other `Accordion` primitives throughout your application: ```svelte A ``` ## API Reference ### Accordion.Root The root accordion component used to set and manage the state of the accordion. | Property | Type | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `type` required | `enum`- 'single' \| 'multiple' | The type of accordion. If set to `'multiple'`, the accordion will allow multiple items to be open at the same time. If set to `single`, the accordion will only allow a single item to be open.`Default: undefined` | | `value` $bindable | `union`- string\[] \| string | The value of the currently active accordion item. If `type` is `'single'`, this should be a string. If `type` is `'multiple'`, this should be an array of strings.`Default: undefined` | | `onValueChange` | `function`- string \| string\[] | A callback function called when the active accordion item value changes. If the `type` is `'single'`, the argument will be a string. If `type` is `'multiple'`, the argument will be an array of strings.`Default: undefined` | | `disabled` | `boolean` | Whether or not the accordion is disabled. When disabled, the accordion cannot be interacted with.`Default: false` | | `loop` | `boolean` | Whether or not the accordion should loop through items when reaching the end.`Default: false` | | `orientation` | `enum`- 'vertical' \| 'horizontal' | The orientation of the accordion.`Default: vertical` | | `ref` $bindable | `HTMLDivElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` | | `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` | | `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `data-orientation` | `enum`- 'vertical' \| 'horizontal' | The orientation of the component. | | `data-disabled` | `''` | Present when the component is disabled. | | `data-accordion-root` | `''` | Present on the root element. | ### Accordion.Item An accordion item. | Property | Type | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `disabled` | `boolean` | Whether or not the accordion item is disabled.`Default: false` | | `value` | `string` | The value of the accordion item. This is used to identify when the item is open or closed. If not provided, a unique ID will be generated for this value.`Default: A random unique ID` | | `ref` $bindable | `HTMLDivElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` | | `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` | | `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `data-state` | `enum`- 'open' \| 'closed' | Whether the accordion item is open or closed. | | `data-disabled` | `''` | Present when the component is disabled. | | `data-orientation` | `enum`- 'vertical' \| 'horizontal' | The orientation of the component. | | `data-accordion-item` | `''` | Present on the item element. | ### Accordion.Header The header of the accordion item. | Property | Type | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `level` | `union`- 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 | The heading level of the header. This will be set as the `aria-level` attribute.`Default: 3` | | `ref` $bindable | `HTMLDivElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` | | `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` | | `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `data-orientation` | `enum`- 'vertical' \| 'horizontal' | The orientation of the component. | | `data-disabled` | `''` | Present when the component is disabled. | | `data-heading-level` | `enum`- '1' \| '2' \| '3' \| '4' \| '5' \| '6' | The heading level of the element. | | `data-accordion-header` | `''` | Present on the header element. | ### Accordion.Trigger The button responsible for toggling the accordion item. | Property | Type | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `ref` $bindable | `HTMLButtonElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` | | `children` | `Snippet` | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` | | `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `data-orientation` | `enum`- 'vertical' \| 'horizontal' | The orientation of the component. | | `data-disabled` | `''` | Present when the component is disabled. | | `data-accordion-trigger` | `''` | Present on the trigger element. | ### Accordion.Content The accordion item content, which is displayed when the item is open. | Property | Type | Description | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `forceMount` | `boolean` | Whether or not to forcefully mount the content. This is useful if you want to use Svelte transitions or another animation library for the content.`Default: false` | | `ref` $bindable | `HTMLDivElement` | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element.`Default: undefined` | | `children` | `Snippet`- Snippet | The children content to render.`Default: undefined` | | `child` | `Snippet`- type SnippetProps = { props: Record\; }; | Use render delegation to render your own element. See [Child Snippet](/docs/child-snippet) docs for more information.`Default: undefined` | | Data Attribute | Value | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `data-orientation` | `enum`- 'vertical' \| 'horizontal' | The orientation of the component. | | `data-disabled` | `''` | Present when the component is disabled. | | `data-accordion-content` | `''` | Present on the content element. | | CSS Variable | Description | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `--bits-accordion-content-height` | The height of the accordion content element. | | `--bits-accordion-content-width` | The width of the accordion content element. |